
The Best Ways To Notify People About A Funeral Service

Whilst most people are comfortable sending out invitations for happy or celebratory events such as birthdays and weddings, they are less sure about notifying others about a funeral service, which is why funeral directors are often asked about the best way to do so.

Advising how the deceased’s family can best notify other family members, friends, colleagues, and others is one of the many ways a funeral director can help and support those who have recently lost a loved one. Notifying the funeral service might not seem to be the most critical aspect of arranging a funeral compared, for example, to the service order, the hearse, and the funeral type; however, it can nonetheless cause the family stress.

So, how might a funeral director or the staff at a funeral company liaising with the family advise how the funeral service notifications should be done? Here are some of the best ways to notify others about and invite them to a funeral service.

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7 Reasons Why Laser Eye Surgery Is A Better Option Than Contact Lenses

7 Reasons Why Laser Eye Surgery Is A Better Option Than Contact Lenses

One decision that many people who need glasses take, especially those who dislike wearing glasses, is to switch to wearing use contact lenses instead, however, one question this raises is whether going a stage further to laser eye surgery or SMILE laser eye surgery would be better still. Contact lenses are a hugely popular means of correcting vision, and anyone who has made the switch to them from glasses is usually delighted they have done so.

It might be they switched from wearing glasses to wearing contact lenses for practical reasons, such as their glasses regularly getting broken. Alternatively, it could have been the perfectly valid reason that they feel more confident and even more attractive by not having to wear glasses. Now that they are wearing contact lenses, no doubt most contact lens wearers believe there are more positives to wearing them than negatives, especially when compared to wearing glasses.

If we take that thought process further, and compare the advantages of laser eye surgery to those of contact lenses, the former soon becomes an even better option for those who need corrected vision, be they currently wearing glasses or contact lenses. Also, laser eye surgery overcomes many negatives of contact lenses. To outline that further, here are seven of those negatives which highlight reasons why laser eye surgery is usually a better choice than contact lenses.

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7 Tips For Choosing The Perfect Pair Of Cowboy Boots For Yourself

7 Tips For Choosing The Perfect Pair Of Cowboy Boots For Yourself

When buying a pair of cowboy boots for the first time, you might be surprised at the number of choices that you have. Often, people assume that cowboy boots’ styles and designs are limited to the cowboy boots they see in Western movies. However, once you start looking, you will see that there are thousands of different cowboy boots options.

As well as cowboy boots made specifically for men, women or children, there are also different types, such as ropers, riding boots, and short boots, to name but three. Beyond the different types, cowboy boots can come in a variety of colours and be made from leathers which vary greatly, and ultimately there is an almost infinite number of designs and patterns that can be found on cowboy boots.

To those who have been buying cowboy boots for years, none of that will phase them, and it is likely that long ago, they settled on exactly the type of cowboy boots they love and thus continue to buy them. However, if this is your first pair of cowboy boots, it can seem a daunting task trying to rule out what you do not want and deciding upon what you do want.

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The Four Essential Linchpins Of SEO

The Four Essential Linchpins Of SEO

When those new to SEO hear an SEO agency explain that there are hundreds of ranking factors that Google takes into account within its algorithm, it is understandable that they may think SEO is too complicated for them to have anything to do with it. While there is no denying that those who provide SEO services, such as an SEO agency, utilize the vast skills and experience of those who work within them, SEO may not be as complicated to understand as you might think.

Peter Brittain from SEO agency emphasizes that to get SEO right and to take the actions needed to improve the rankings of a website, they do recommend that you approach a professional SEO agency with “great reviews and a strong track record of client case studies showing sustained success”. They should have all the knowledge and, more importantly, the tools, resources, and software needed to make your SEO campaign successful.

Nevertheless, the more you know about SEO, the more effective those conversations will be with your SEO agency. Being able to articulate what you would like your SEO campaign to achieve and to understand any feedback from the SEO experts you employ, will always be preferable to engaging with them, having no knowledge of SEO yourself.

For example, did you know that there are four basic pillars of SEO that almost all SEO campaigns focus upon? These four linchpins of SEO invariably have to be present; if any one of them is disregarded, the entire SEO campaign is compromised. Here are those four SEO linchpins:

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7 Important Extras To Look For When Hiring Your Wedding Car

7 Important Extras To Look For When Hiring Your Wedding Car

There is plenty to arrange and organise for a wedding, from hiring the venue, sending invitations, organising catering and drinks to day spa visits for the upcoming bride. With some matters being given more attention to detail than others, unfortunately, when it comes to hiring their wedding cars, couples often forget to check essential extras are either included or arrangements made to have them included.

We are referring to wedding car extras because, whilst normal car hire is a case of simply getting a reliable and clean car to drive, with wedding car hire, there is more to it than just a car and a driver turning up. Many of these extras should be considered essentials which, thankfully, many wedding car hire companies now include within the price.

If you are wondering what the extras we are referring to are and hopefully want to know them to ensure you include them with your wedding car hire, here are seven of the most important. Note some of these extras will depend on the make and model of the wedding car; some will be included, and others you may have to request when booking your wedding cars.

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7 Top Tips For Grooming Your Dog From The Pros

7 Top Tips For Grooming Your Dog From The Pros

One task that many people wish they could do like the pros, is dog grooming. We say “many people”, but we really mean dog owners who dream of having the ability to give their dog’s coat the first-class grooming that they receive when they take them to a professional dog groomer.

To be able to groom dogs, as well as the professionals from, would take lots of training and additional experience, but there is nothing to stop you from following professional dog grooming tips to make the grooming you give your dog the best it can be. And it just so happens we have seven tips from dog grooming pros below.

Go For Walkies Before Grooming: This is such an easy tip to implement, but strangely few dog owners think of it when they are about to groom their dog. What you are doing is burning off much of the energy your dog has by taking them for a walk, and more so if you play games like fetch. Back home, your dog has less energy to mess about and be uncooperative. It also helps enormously with nervous dogs as they have less nervous energy to expend.

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How To Choose The Right Personalised Pyjamas

 Just like personalised Santa sacks on Christmas day, with so much involved in planning your big wedding day, small features like personalised pyjamas may not feature highly on your to-do list. Although, there are plenty of reasons why they should.

Personalised pyjamas can be a standout feature of any hen’s party while also being an ideal ‘thank you’ gift for the special people making up your bridal party. However, before you go ahead and buy what you believe will be the best sets for the job, here are a few things to consider first.

The Personalisation Options

How does your chosen company personalise the pyjamas? Some companies offer embroidery, while others opt for screen printing. Both are more than suitable for most occasions, but awareness of your options can allow you to make an easier decision.

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Coconut: The Most Sustainable Plant in the World

We are living in a society where our natural resources are being heavily consumed every day, placing pressure on the planet & affecting environmental, economic & social systems. As consumers, we need to seek products that are more sustainable for our planet. So what do we really mean when we say ‘sustainable’?

The term sustainability relates to environmental sciences where the aim is to avoid being harmful to the earth & cease from depleting its natural resources whilst supporting long-term ecological balance. So where do we start? Let’s look at the humble coconut tree, which provides nutrition, fuel & shelter for many communities.

The cultivation of coconuts is one of the most sustainable practices in the world, as it uses every part of the plant for a myriad of different functions. Many different cultures recognise the significance of this tree for commercial & domestic uses & it is commonly known as The Plant of Life. Holistic uses of the coconut tree include:

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bridesmaid robes

Best Patterns and Materials for Bridesmaid Robes

Deciding to purchase bridesmaid robes for your bridal party as gifts is a reasonably easy decision to make. You know they are practical gifts while also being personal, well thought out, and affordable.

You may have thought the hard part was finding a reputable stockist in Australia. However, it can sometimes be even harder to choose patterns and materials you like.

If you have a hard time deciding on a style your recipients will love, we’ve included some of the most popular patterns and materials below. Any of these are bound to be adored by those who receive your thoughtful gift.

Cotton Material

Given the wide range of material options you have at your disposal for any clothing type, you may wonder why cotton is one of the best options for robes. Cotton is a natural fibre used widely around the world, with over 25 million tons of it produced for clothing each year.

Cotton is an all-weather textile that insulates you on a cold day but keeps you cool on a warm summer’s day. It also rarely causes an allergic reaction and is incredibly comfortable to wear. The icing on the cake is that cotton has very few chemicals in its creation compared to some synthetic fibres.

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What is Gluten

Should you be gluten free?

Going gluten-free has become increasingly popular over the last decade. It’s even considered hip to be “g-free”! But is it right for you? If you experience fatigue, headaches, bloating, gas or diarrhoea after eating wheat & gluten-containing products, you could be suffering from an intolerance & avoiding gluten will reduce these unpleasant symptoms. If your symptoms are very severe, you should be tested by your medical practitioner for coeliac disease, a condition that triggers an immune reaction & prevents the absorption of nutrients in your digestive system, causing malnourishment & damage to the small intestine.

According to Don Chisholm, author of “Have you got the Guts to be really healthy?” the reason why so many people have wheat & gluten intolerances is due to our current farming methods. Grains are quickly farmed with little time between harvest & planting. Crops are grown in soils full of toxic fertilisers & are genetically modified to be ‘tougher’ so they produce higher yields. These grains are full of toxins & anti-nutrients & contain little nutritional value. It is believed that grains grown in this way are causing gluten intolerances in so many people.

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10 Steps In Preparing For A New Business Website

10 Steps In Preparing For A New Business Website

Whilst it is the web designers that you choose who will do the bulk of the work to design and build your new business website, that does not mean that you have no part to play in its creation. There are several decisions and tasks you must undertake for web designers to be able to complete their work.

Before you panic, thinking that you are going to have to learn website programming or code, rest easy. Whilst having some knowledge of how websites are designed is useful, those are not the tasks we are referring to. Instead, these are tasks related to some of the services required, some decisions about the appearance of your website, and how you can maximise your website’s effectiveness. Here are all ten of them.

Choose A Domain Name: This should match your name or the name of your business. As for the suffix,  dot com should be your first choice, although many of these are already taken. Otherwise opt for dot net,  dot org, or your country’s domain suffix.

Decide Which Hosting Service You Are Using: Many of the performance measures of your website, such as reliability and load speeds, will be influenced by your hosting company and the quality of its servers, so opt for one with a proven track record.

Decide Upon An Email Autoresponder Service: Assuming you want your business to benefit from the many advantages that email marketing can provide, then you need an email autoresponder service. This is where your subscriber list data is stored, and where you create and schedule your emails.

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Spice Up Your Life With Cayenne!

Spice Up Your Life With Cayenne!

We all know of cayenne pepper as a hot spice to add to Asian cuisine. A member of the Capsicum family, cayenne is also known as cow-horn pepper, red hot chili pepper, bird pepper or red pepper. But what you may not know is the amazing health benefits cayenne pepper provides. A very high source of vitamin A, it also contains vitamins B6, E, C as well as minerals potassium & manganese.

Ever heard of the Lemon Detox Diet? Using cayenne as the active ingredient in a combination with lemon juice, maple syrup & water, this regime was spouted as a miracle weight loss – well it would if you weren’t eating any food at the same time! Despite the bad rap during the Lemon Detox fad, research has shown that cayenne can boost metabolism assisting with weight loss. Once consumed, cayenne pepper dilates the blood vessels & speeds up the metabolism with its active component called capsaicin. It also helps to suppress hunger & normalise blood sugar levels.

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3 Steps to Get Your Mojo Back

3 Steps to Get Your Mojo Back

Our modern lifestyle is full of convenience, with constant technological advances making life easier to manage and with information at the tips of our fingers. But why are we still so unhealthy as a nation? Our bodies are no longer functioning as they should and we battle with fatigue, weight gain and brain fog. So how do we make changes for the better? Try these 3 simple steps to reduce inflammation, remove toxins and be at your ideal weight.

Step 1 Alkalise

Our bodies sit on the pH scale between 7.35-7.45, which is slightly alkaline (A pH of 0 is totally acidic, a pH of 14 is completely alkaline and 7 is neutral). However, our 21st Century diet of highly acidic processed foods, sugar and alcohol can cause inflammation in the body. The best way to tackle this inflammation is by alkalising with apple cider vinegar, chlorophyll or green smoothies which will detoxify and cleanse the body naturally whilst helping the body to maintain its alkalinity.

Step 2 Detoxing

Our bodies have natural systems in place to deal with toxins and to protect our cells. However, diet and lifestyle play important protective roles. The easiest thing that we can do is reduce the toxic burden on our body through healthy diet and lifestyle choices. This can be done by removing all processed foods and drinks from our diet and swap for fresh fruits and vegetables. Herbal tonic preparations are also a great way to start as herbs help to support the liver and kidneys whilst helping to eliminate toxic build-up naturally. Choose organic foods where possible as most fruits and veggies are covered in toxic pesticides which are stored in your liver and may cause disease. Remember to look at the ingredients in your skincare and what are you cleaning your house with as manufacturers make products cheap by adding nasty toxic synthetic ingredients.

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How to Choose Your Nut Milk

How to Choose Your Nut Milk

Whether you’re allergic to dairy, lactose intolerant, or vegan, nut milks are a great alternative to cow’s milk. Highly nutritious & a great source of protein, nut milks come in a variety of options which each have their own nutrition & flavour profile.

Almond milk is high in magnesium & vitamin E. Interestingly, almond milk has half the calories of skimmed milk, is low in cholesterol & saturated fat.

Hazelnut milk is a great source of vitamins B1, B2, B6, A & E. It is also rich in folic acid. It also contains the most protein out of all the nut milks.

Cashew milk is a high source of vitamin K, iron & magnesium. It is also the easiest of milks to make.

Coconut milk (depending on your view if a coconut is a nut, seed or fruit!) contains as much dairy as cow’s milk & is a great source of vitamin D. The fat content comprises of medium chain saturated fatty acids which is a better form of fat as it helps to boost energy & metabolism.

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It's Time to Ditch the Diet!

It’s Time to Ditch the Diet!

Nothing is more precious or priceless than your body & your health. We all have times when we want to indulge a little, particularly during the Silly Season & that’s ok. But holiday time is also a good opportunity to reflect on your habits, good & bad, & to make those small changes that can remain long term.

So where do we start?

Firstly, by reducing as much of the toxic burden on our bodies. Unfortunately, toxicity is unavoidable in today’s modern society. When we walk outside we are exposed to thousands of toxins via our lungs, skin & digestive system. Did you know we have a residual burden of over a thousand new-to-nature chemicals which are invented & released into the environment every year? We need to make choices not only about what goes into our mouths but what goes on our bodies as skincare, haircare, perfumes, makeup, deodorants & even toothpastes are full of synthetic toxic chemicals.

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How to Get Good Vibrations

How to Get Good Vibrations

Everything in the universe is energy, every single object whether man made or natural, including our own selves. In fact, nothing is truly solid but is instead made up of microscopic particles that are vibrating at an extremely fast pace. Even though our limited sight as humans doesn’t allow us to see this movement, we can still very much feel it & be very much affected by it on one level or another – either physical, spiritual, emotional, vibrational, and/ or mental.

Ever come away from an interaction with someone & felt really happy & uplifted yet couldn’t completely know why?

Or how about when you’re either sick or feeling much lower & less sparkly than our usual selves?

These are but two examples of the many ways in which we can notice energy in everyday life. Our state of health is also believed to be directly linked to the frequency in which we are vibrating at. Each cell, organ & system has its own vibration & the frequency of which is affected in many ways including by what we eat, drink, think, feel, do, hear & are exposed to. Colours, smells & sounds all have their own varying vibrational frequencies which can influence our own.

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7 Ways To Keep Yourself Motivated When You Start Your Fitness Program

7 Ways To Keep Yourself Motivated When You Start Your Fitness Program

If there is ever a time when someone who starts a fitness program is going to be at the most risk of giving up, it tends to be not long after they first start. This might sound counterintuitive as it could be argued that someone’s motivation is going to be at its highest when they first set out on their fitness journey. In many cases that is true. However, after the initial surge of determination, many people start seeing their motivation drop quickly for several reasons, which include:

  • Realising the amount of time and effort which are going to be required
  • The early aches and pains as the body becomes used to exercising
  • Knowing their friends and family are out there enjoying themselves whilst they workout
  • Not seeing any noticeable difference in the early stages
  • Seeing that their fitness journey has a long road ahead of it

There are more, but if you are in the early stages of a fitness program, and any of these ring true, even if slightly, then be content that almost everyone has some level of doubt once they begin. The key is not to let those doubts linger or increase, and that can be achieved by using some of the excellent motivational tools and techniques which we have outlined below.

Break Your Fitness Goal Into Milestones: Trying to hit one huge, far-off goal can seem tough, whereas aiming for and hitting lots of smaller goals or milestones is rewarding and motivational. So, instead of losing 24 lbs this year, aim for losing 2 lbs per month which, if achieved, means twelve wins instead of just one.

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5 Reasons Why You Should Have Bone Broths

5 Reasons Why You Should Have Bone Broths

Bone broths and stocks are found in every culture. Traditionally once the meat from the animal was consumed it was common to cook the remainder of the animal by simmering the bones, marrow, feet, tendons and ligaments with water and vegetables for a number of days. This method of slow cooking caused the bones and organs to break down releasing healing compounds such as collagen and amino acids and the liquid to become nutrient dense with minerals.

5 Reasons Why You Should Be Have Bone Broths
1. Nutrient dense – bone broths contain calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon & sulphur in forms which the body can absorb easily. This also means we can digest broths very easily.

2. Improves joint health – broths contain glucosamine & sulphur which help to reduce inflammation in the joints. Broths also contain collagen & gelatin which are released from the bones, skin & cartilage which help to maintain strong bones & joints.

3. Promote healing – particularly of the digestive system. Broths contain glutamine, an amino acid which helps to heal the lining of the gut & reduce inflammation in leaky gut syndrome or if suffering from food intolerances or allergies.

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Snowmobiling Lessons

Snowmobiling Lessons

By Kandace Chapple, GTWoman Editor


On snowmobiles. Weekends and evenings were spent outside sliding off the back of the slick seat of a 1981 Ski-Doo, trying to hang on to one another, riding double.

Of course, the point was to dump the other one off, pretend we didn’t notice and leave a sister in the field, enjoying a solo ride for a few glorious moments.


The older we got, the more trouble we could come up with. We spent weekends snowmobiling out to sledding hills with a pull-behind trailer on skis stocked with firewood, hotdogs and Pepsi. Our mom did all the work then, and little did we know how much work that must have been. We were focused solely on building jumps big enough to break a leg.

Finally, we set out on day trips, where we didn’t fall asleep riding between our mother’s legs, our helmet hitting the handlebars. Then we became drivers… although we still had to share a sled.

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Between the Canyon - Our Bucket List Trip to the Colorado River

Between the Canyon: Our Bucket List Trip to the Colorado River

By Kelley Bowker

We have been making travel “bucket lists” for years. One of the biggest trips on my husband Mike’s list? White water rafting through the Grand Canyon on the Colorado River. I looove adventure, so I was all in.

I decided to plan the trip for Mike’s 50th birthday, June 2016. Our Arizona adventure turned out to be one we will never forget, exciting in more ways than we could have ever imagined.

Five-day escapade

After looking at and researching many outfitters and all the options that were available, Mike and I decided the five-day paddling trip would be the best for us (other options included motorized trips, those where the guide paddled, or even an identical trip, just six days longer).

Each day, we hiked the Grand Canyon and paddled our way through very specific named areas and mile markers of the Colorado River. At night we slept wherever our lead guide found a suitable piece of earth for a group our size (13 paddlers, 5 guides).

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Blending the Holidays - How To Embrace the Season as a Blended Family

Blending the Holidays: How To Embrace the Season as a Blended Family

By Alison Neihardt

The holidays are upon us. There are parties to plan, school activities to participate in and gifts to purchase. Oh, the fun! For blended families though, finding cheer at this time of year often requires both careful planning and flexibility.

Woes all around

For many blended families, holiday activities can be stressful for both adults and kids. Kids worry about going back and forth, whom they’ll spend Thanksgiving with, or who will come to their school parties. Adults fear the possible drama that holiday expectation and tradition can stir.

In the best-case scenario, both parents spend the holiday together or split the time, or both parents come to the school holiday function. If they are pleasant with each other, even from across the room, this is what kids hope for. This is what adults hope for. This does not always happen though. Here are some tips to consider:

Communicate kindly

Try your best to be kind in the heat of the moment and not say or do something you might regret. But avoid being a doormat—setting boundaries is important, too. There are ways to stand your ground without being rude or nasty.

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The View from a Blended Family

The View from a Blended Family

By Stefanie Tschirhart-Baldwin

Eleven years ago, at age 29, I was newly widowed with a young daughter. I’d always valued our nuclear family, and, as I grieved the loss of my husband, part of me knew I would remarry someday.

And I did, to a man who also had daughter. There were some valleys along the way as we established our unit, but we always trudged on toward a summit far from nuclear. But in the end, that never mattered one bit–not with a spectacular view like this.

Getting established

When my now-husband first reached out to me, I blew him off. I knew he also had a 2-year-old daughter, the same age as my own, but I didn’t want to date a man with kids. Fortunately for us, though, he was persistent, and I eventually agreed to a playdate with our girls. We hit it off, and our quad grew closer and closer that first summer.

My husband and his daughter spent most of his parenting time at the house that I shared with my parents; it was easier for childcare when he was working. When his daughter’s mom questioned where their daughter was living, we decided to make it official.

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32 cousins & a Thanksgiving for the Books

32 cousins & a Thanksgiving for the Books

By Wendy Sobeck

I come from a very large Polish-American family. My maternal grandparents, Sylvester and Lucille, had 16 children, and my mom, Diane, was the fourth eldest. There are 32 of us cousins to date.

Birthdays, anniversaries, holidays—and pretty much any given Sunday—were never hum-drum little gatherings. They were usually epic family “dramadies,” special occasions I’m certain not even Hollywood could dream up! But, to us, the madness of our humongous family was just normal.

Many family holidays throughout my life have been unforgettable, but Thanksgiving 2001 was especially memorable and bittersweet.

Grandma Lucy

We had lost my Grandma Lucy suddenly to liver cancer in June of that year, and our enormous clan was devasted. As our family matriarch, she was the central force that kept the chaos of our beautifully crazy tribe together.

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Workflow How-To

Workflow How-To

By Amanda Engler

“Workflow” is a buzzword worth repeating, so I will. WORKFLOW.

Finding ways to increase your workflow without also upping your time is essential in growing, scaling and automating your business. As a mom and solopreneur, I needed to protect my time so I could serve my family and grow my business.

Quickly, I became obsessed with time and figured out a few tricks to protect it along the way. Let’s review some practical tips to help you find your own flow.

Choose your platform

Choosing a workflow or project management platform that aligns with your current needs is the first step in maximizing your time and getting work done. Although applications like Toggl, Trello and Google Sheets are useful (and I do use all of them!), they have a time and place. You will save time designating one application as your workflow go-to.

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One-story house with an old used Ford Pinto sitting in front of it, California.

Grandpa’s Car – a look into a Thanksgiving past … when we were total idiots

By Kandace Chapple & Kerry Winkler

Have we ever told you the story about the night we borrowed our Grandpa’s car? Yes, borrowed. We had permission to drive it. But we did not necessarily have permission to drive it where we did.

Let’s set the scene. We were in the U.P., age 16, in a house filled with relatives watching TV, and bored out of our minds on a post-Thanksgiving weekend, admiring our new driver’s license… with a Friday night burning outside.

Our cousin, 15, floated the idea. “Let’s borrow your dad’s car.”

“Absolutely not!” blew in from the next room.

But Grandpa Maddox, over our mothers’ protests, said this: “What’s gonna happen? Take my car, Twin. (To be safe, Grandpa called us both Twin.) Just don’t scratch it.”

We rushed outside before anyone could stop us, but once there, joy eluded us. We were going to have to cruise in a car we secretly called, “The Turd.” We decided we had no choice. There must be someone who would look past this shade of brown and zero in on the three beauties cruising the gut.

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