
How to Choose Your Nut Milk

How to Choose Your Nut Milk

Whether you’re allergic to dairy, lactose intolerant, or vegan, nut milks are a great alternative to cow’s milk. Highly nutritious & a great source of protein, nut milks come in a variety of options which each have their own nutrition & flavour profile.

Almond milk is high in magnesium & vitamin E. Interestingly, almond milk has half the calories of skimmed milk, is low in cholesterol & saturated fat.

Hazelnut milk is a great source of vitamins B1, B2, B6, A & E. It is also rich in folic acid. It also contains the most protein out of all the nut milks.

Cashew milk is a high source of vitamin K, iron & magnesium. It is also the easiest of milks to make.

Coconut milk (depending on your view if a coconut is a nut, seed or fruit!) contains as much dairy as cow’s milk & is a great source of vitamin D. The fat content comprises of medium chain saturated fatty acids which is a better form of fat as it helps to boost energy & metabolism.

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